A podcast for real talk and honest conversations about all things relationships and marriage -
the good, the bad and the KNOTTY.
Marriage is meant to be the sweetest adventure, and we're here to equip you with the tools to relish in all its goodness.
Hey y'all. We're the Masons and we're your hosts. We had a terrible first date, but after years of off-and-on dating, we finally figured things out and said "I do."
We love being married (most days) and we love cheering on other couples in their marriages.
We've got a problem with how our world is talking about marriage, so we wanted to add a voice to the conversation.
Your reviews help us reach more couples and make an impact on more marriages!
Let's Get Knotty is here for you. What topics do you want us to cover on the show? Who do you want us to interview? Be a part of the conversations by sharing your ideas with us!
Thanks for your suggestions! We haven't even read them yet but we know they're genius ideas.
Stay tuned for future episodes to see if we feature them!
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Want to submit a question for our next Q&A episode? Or just want to send us a pep talk about how much you love the podcast? We'd love to hear from you!